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   Step 4: How to order used books?

  • Click on "buy it" to go to the book site to place your order. You are ordering from the book site you have chosen, not from our search site.

  • Some used book sites handle thousands of small, independent dealers, each with their own payment options, policies for shipping and handling and refund/return policies. Be sure to read the information on your dealer carefully.

  • Some used book orders can be placed at the host site and payment is made there. Some used book orders must be placed directly with a dealer, in which case you may be sending credit card information in an email. This is not guaranteed secure and you might want to send the credit card information in 2 emails, to increase security. Or you might want to pay by check or money order.

  • BE SURE to print or record all contact information for the host site you are ordering from AND the specific dealer you are ordering from at that site. We do not record order information at our search site. Some of the used book sites handle many thousands of dealers and we do not have information on these dealers at our search site. If a dealer does not respond to your satisfaction, it is always helpful to be able to go to his host site with your problem.

  • Most of the dealers who sell through large host sites will accept check and money order. A few will not accept credit cards.

  • Most of the dealers who sell used books will ship worldwide but be sure to check the dealer information.

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